Wednesday, September 17, 2008

City of Chicago workers

(Our personal flood story, complete with pictures, starts at Albany Park floods-- Record-breaking rains. )

Starting the day after the flood, there were workers all over the place. City of Chicago Streets and Sanitation Workers dressed in hazmat garb gathered up ruined trash that people threw outside of their homes and they went into people's homes and helped elderly neighbors get the heavy stuff out their basements. They loaded all of the junk on big bulldozers.

People's Gas and ComEd trucks have been all over. I heard this morning that a home in a flood zone in Muenster, Indiana blew up overnight... Problems with gas. I guess it is a good thing that the gas was turned off around here, as difficult as it is to deal with no gas. At least it is September, the most temperate month around here. Most of us can live without heat or air conditioning for a few weeks in September.

(Next part of the Albany Park Flood Story: Clean Up Day 5. )

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