Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chicago River overflows... Refugees in our own home..

(Our personal flood story, complete with pictures, starts at Albany Park floods-- Record-breaking rains. )

Our bedroom was under water, now it is just waterlogged. Our heavy waterbed had floated a couple of feet off of its "mooring". We emptied it, but waterbeds, with an internal support of foam, never really empty. You are supposed to be able to empty one without damaging the darned thing, but it is very tricky and I'm not sure if anybody has ever actually done it. We are still hoping that the waterbed mattress and its frame, which is designed to be a bit more water-friendly than a normal bedframe, will survive.

So... we moved upstairs. We are supposed to have three bedrooms up here, but there is only one usable bedroom right now. My son has turned the smallest of the bedrooms into an office/computer room and the third bedroom, which is supposed to be a guest room, is unfortunately full of "stuff".

My son is at school, so we are temporarily camped out in his room. We saved the Dish network box, so Paul set up a T.V. in there. But somehow it feels as though we are in a motel. I cleared out a few drawers in my son's dresser so that we can put our things there, but we spend a lot of time losing things and trying to remember where we put things.

We still don't have hot water, and it is unclear as to whether or not the water heater will have to be replaced. I've heard conflicting things. So sponge baths and showers at friends' houses will have to suffice.

(Next part of the Albany Park Flood Story:
Meeting Neighbors. )

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